Thursday, July 26, 2007

poor food choices.

ok, seriously. i know when i really want to eat something and when i don't. but when something is called the baconator, how can one resist? no human could!

so, i ordered the baconator yesterday and, upon the first bite, came up with several more appropriate names, the greaseanator being the most fitting. i could only eat about 1/3 of the damn thing before giving up. but even with that amount of "food" in my system, i was miserable. my stomach was so disappointed with me. especially after being so good on south beach. and then this?! the other end of the spectrum. and my stomach actually thought of leaving me yesterday.

i'm not sure that i could have blamed it.

Friday, July 13, 2007

a theme that i can't escape

When you live in a place that doesn't have its own parking spot, like i do, and where most of your neighbors don't either, parking becomes very personal. If i'm hanging out at home and suddenly realize, at 10 at night, that i haven't eaten dinner and there's nothing good to eat at my house, i'd rather go to bed hungry than abandon my parking spot. All the good spots are typically gone by about 6:30 in the evening, and forget getting a decent spot on Sunday evenings after dark. not gonna happen. And, it's all parallel parking, which has made for a steep learning curve for me, since my parking skills were minimal prior to moving here (thankfully, my roommate is a master and gave me an exceedingly helpful tutorial early on, and the bf has helped, as well). Often, though, perfectly good spots are destroyed by people not paying attention to how they park--not parking close to the end of the curb, leaving too much space between themselves and the car in front of them, etc. Going around and around at 2 am staring at all the places that, if someone just pulled up a little, making the spot a little bigger, would be perfect, becomes almost unbearably frustrating. that's why i need about 500 of these cards:
too good. i'm surely not the only person that has wanted to leave a note on a windshield admonishing the driver on crap parking? i probably want to do it more often than most, as i tend to be very judgmental when it comes to driving and parking. just had to share these.

Friday, July 6, 2007

making concrete a rule i've had for years

Living in San Diego, there's a decent chance that the strapping young lad with the short haircut hanging out in the Gaslamp is part of some branch of the military (especially if his tshirt is really tight). Granted, it's not an issue for me, since i have a lovely non-military boyfriend, but no matter how cute that little marine may be, no matter how muscular, or how precious his little southern accent is, don't fall for it! No military! Nonono. i've not dated a lot, but two of the people i have, have been militarily involved. both in the marines, actually. Aside from just a general approach to life that i can't really get behind, there's all the ridiculous moving and long trips abroad; plus, oh yeah, the chance that the person could get killed as part of their job.
no. military.